Cinematic Vampires
This is one of the 1998 additions to the vampire logs, an "ultra cool" futuristic tale of good guy vs. bad guy (both somehow being vampires). Blade is the title character of a popular comic book series, now transferred onto the big screen and realer than life. He is an interesting blend of human and vampire, with "all the vampire strengths and none of their weaknesses." Blade is played by Wesley Snipes. See him just below as the vampire fighter, and giving in to his "weaker" side.

Of course, Blade doesn't fight alone. He has Whistler, his aging weapons manufacturer (played by Kris Kristofferson). And, he eventually enlists the help of a young woman who was initially an accidental victim of one of Blade's enemies (played by N'bushe Wright).

Then, we meet the vampires. The main star upstart is Deacon Frost, played by Stephen Dorff (portrayed in below pictures). His brash, young outlook on vampire life leads him into direct contention with the vampire council. (Translation: Deacon wants to rule the world while the council would rather have vampires be only in shadows and mostly unknown, as it has always been.) This action is what prompts the fight between Blade and Deacon, with some really nice action scenes and sword fights.

Of course, Deacon does have his friends, though they don't help much - Raquel, played by Traci Lords, and Quinn, played by Donal Logue.

Now, I've never read the comic book, but I did see this film. And, I loved it. My sister reserved her opinion as vampires shouldn't be so hi-tech, they are gothic, you know? But, all in all, it had Stephen Dorff (who is a hottie), Kris Kristofferson, Udo Kier, some completely awesome fight scenes, great special effects done by Greg Cannom (the guy who did the vampire prosthetics for "the Lost Boys") and VAMPIRES, of course. And, the ending indicates this may become a new series of movies about this vampire hunter.

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