Literary Vampires
Brian Lumley
I absolutely recommend that everyone get a hold of these books and read them. They are hypnotic, spell-binding, ultimately intriguing with a ton of different aspects to keep you interested. Briam Lumley is an excellent writer and these vampire novels are unique. Oh, and bear with me if the descriptions are a little short in places. Some of these I have read numerous times and others only once. I have to go back and reread to remember the plot.
Necroscope - Brian Lumley
The first installment in the Necroscope series of vampire novels, this is the introduction to our hero Harry Koegh and our enemy, the Wamphyri. Harry, born of a woman with psychic power, has the ability to talk to the dead, and later discovers the ability to travel instantaneously via the Mobius strip (sort of a Star Trak beaming thing). The Necroscope series centers British ESPionage against the ESP spy teams of Russia, involving history, politics, geography, supernatural powers and of course, vampires. In this particular novel, Harry discovers his powers, to face off against Boris Dragosani, a necromancer with the prospect of becoming a vampire, thanks to Thibor Ferenczy. The war costs Harry his own life, but he is able to exist on through the unconscious mind of his infant son Harry Jr.
Vamphyri! - Brian Lumley
In this follow up novel to Necroscope, Harry is again pitted against a vampire created by Thibor, Yulian Bodescu. Yulian finds out about Harry and Harry Jr. and moves to kill father and son with one fell swoop. Harry Jr., possessing his father's abilities magnified, is able to save himself and his mother, leaving Harry as a disencorporated soul free to float around on the Mobius Continuum.
The Source - Brian Lumley
We meet up with Harry Koegh again, after a period of several years that Harry has spent looking for his missing son and wife. Harry is contacted by the British ESP spies once again as a special project heats up in Russia, called the Perchorsk Projekt. An explosion in this plant creates a gate between our world and the source world of the nasty vampires. Harry finds a second gate and travels to the source world where he teams up with some vampires to wage war against other vampires before he is forced to return home.
Deadspeak - Brian Lumley
Forbidden use of his talent to travel through the Mobius strip and to speak to the dead while conscious, Harry is again asked to do battle against a vampire, in our world. Janos Ferenczy, a brother of Thibor's walks the Earth avowing revenge upon his father, Faethor Ferenczy. Harry must turn to Faethor for help in restoring his abilities in order to face down Janos and defeat him.
Deadspawn - Brian Lumley
The last in the line of the Necroscope series, we follow Harry in a fight against a serial butcher in the English countryside. With his victory in tow, Harry chooses to leave Earth and retire to the Vampire Source world where he confronts the first vampire Shaitan.
Blood Brothers - Brian Lumley
This is the first in a series related to the Necroscope, but centering on the secret twin sons of Harry Koegh in the source world. Nathan and Nestor Koegh do not possess many of Harry's talents, but stand together to face the new threat of new vampires in their land. They are separated from each other and spend the novel exploring the source world, seeking out the vampires, looking for their missing brother and for the woman they each love.
The Last Aerie - Brian Lumley
In this second of the Vampire World novels regarding the twin sons of Harry Koegh, we discover that Nestor, fascinated by the evil of the vampires, has become a Wamphyri Lord, while Nathan has vowed to fight the Wamphyri, and his own twin brother.
Bloodwars - Brian Lumley
The last of the Vampire World trilogy picks up with Earth's involvement with Nathan's side of the Wamphyri fight. Together, the Earth forces and Nathan's gypsies fight against one of the worst Wamphyri yet, Nestor.
Necroscope: The Lost Years - Brian Lumley
A post-look at the years that Harry Koegh spent looking for his wife and son between Vamphyri and The Source, this novel introduces us to yet another vampire, Radu, exiled from the source world. Harry is seduced closer to Radu by a woman, Bonnie Jean, who becomes Harry's love interest. A smokescreen, really, for Radu plans to use Harry to reintroduce himself to the earthworld in a new body.
Necroscope: Resurgence - Brian Lumley
Under Radu's vampire influence and a "spell" by the British ESPers, Harry doesn't know that he is the Necroscope. However, Radu's enemies know that Harry is Radu's chance at restoration and are coming after Harry.
For a look at more of Brian Lumley's work, a chance to pick up copies of his books and a chance to email the man himself, check out The Official Brian Lumley Website.