Literary Vampires
Buffy the Vampire Slayer : the adult line
BtVS: Child of the Hunt - Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
This is the first in the adult line of the Buffy books, and they are much better than the young adult line (hey, I still like those too). This novel is not based on any episode, but an episode should be based on it. The story line involves a medieval festival coming to Sunnydale, bringing along some darker denizens that Buffy must eventually square off against. There is some great referencing of the European "wee folk" or "fairie people." The novel starts out somewhere in relation the third season of the tv show, and the action is spellbinding, and the character development goes beyond even the tv show. A must read for anyone who is even remotely interested in Buffy.
BtVS: Return to Chaos - Craig Shaw Gardner
This second in the adult line is about a group of Druids arriving in Sunnydale, seeming to help Buffy rid the world of demons. Some of them are suspicious, but it is Sunnydale.

BtVS: Out of the Madhouse - Christopher Golden & Nancy Holder
This is the first in the Gatekeeper Trilogy. The story introduces Buffy to the legendary Gatekeeper, a man who has the ability to create prisons in a house to hold all of the demons who try to come through into our world from the other dimensions. The original Gatekeeper's old enemy, as the leader of the Sons of Entropy, is behind the current attempt to defeat the Gatekeeper and let loose all the demons. Spike even has a small role in this particular read.

BtVS: Ghost Roads - Christopher Golden & Nancy Holder
The second volume of the Gatekeeper Trilogy, Buffy, Oz and Angel travel the Ghost Roads - a mythical underground railroad that crosses continents - in order to find the heir of the Gatekeeper, before the Gatekeeper dies. The heir is being held prisoner by Spike and Drusilla. Meanwhile, back in Sunnydale, Willow is becoming a more skilled witch and Xander dies (?).
BtVS: Sons of Entropy - Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
The final installment in the Gatekeeper Trilogy, Xander is temporarily imbued with the Gatekeeper's powers until the heir is delivered to the house. Of course, goodness prevails, yet it appears that the bad guy gets away to live to fight another day.

BtVS: Obsidian Fate - Diana Gallagher

BtVS: Immortal - Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
The first hardcover in the series.

BtVS: Sins of the Father - Christopher Golden