Literary Vampires
Buffy the Vampire Slayer : the young adult line
BtVS: The Harvest - Richie Tankersley Cusick
This is the first in a line of young adult books regarding the Buffy television show, also created by Joss Whedon. This is a novelization of the first two episodes of Buffy, "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "The Harvest" combined into one book. It reads almost exactly like the two episodes and provides a great introduction to all of the characters that Buffy fans are so crazy about.
BtVS: Halloween Rain - Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
This is the second of the young adult Buffy series, but the first original piece (that is - not based on an existing episode (yet)). In this story, Buffy must face down Samhain, the Pumpkin King, who is drawn to life by Halloween rain. There are some zombies and some vampires also.
BtVS: Coyote Moon - John Vornholt
Another original story, this one centers on the legend of shapeshifters and a traveling carnival. Xander and Willow both get hit on by the attractive carnies, but are their intentions good? I really liked this one.
BtVS: Night of the Living Rerun - Arthur Byron Cover
This one's an interesting story about the Master once again trying to break free from his bubble imprisonment, accompanied by a funky regression/reincarnation sidetrack. It was sort of reminiscient of the episode "Prophecy Girl."
BtVS: Blooded - Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
I'm not sure if this one was supposed to be part of the young adult or the adult series. It looks like the YA line, but it doesn't read like it. This one seems to be set sometime after season two, not in season one like the other stories. It's about a Chinese vampire Chirayoju and his immortal enemy Sanno, the King of the Mountain. There is some pretty interesting possession going on and some great character development. I really liked this one too.
BtVS: The Angel Chronicles - Nancy Holder
This one was written in three parts, each a novelization of episodes regarding Angel. The first part is "Angel," where Buffy learns that Angel is a vampire. The second part is from "Reptile Boy," which is where Cordelia and Buffy face a monster worm that they are offered to as sacrifice by a group of strange frat guys. The last chronicle is from "Lie to Me." In this story, Buffy is paired with an old friend from her old high school and Angel gets a little jealous. *It also features the awesome vampire Spike *GRIN*.
BtVS: The Angel Chronicles Vol. 2 - Richie Tankersley
A continuation of novelizations of episodes starring Angel. The first episode "Halloween" recalls the story where Ethan Raine casts a curse that turns Buffy into a damsel in distress, Xander into a muscle-bound soldier and Willow into a ghost. The other two episodes detailed are "What's My Line, Parts 1 & 2" where the Order of Taraka are called out to kill Buffy while Spike tries to give Drusilla her strength back. Also, the new Slayer Kendra is introduced.
BtVS: The Xander Years - Keith R. A. DeCandido
A novelization of three episodes starring Xander. The first, "Teacher's Pet", finds Xander falling for a substitute teacher who is really a she-mantis about to mate. The second is "Inca Mummy Girl," where Xander falls for a revived Incan princess who must suck the life out of others to stay alive. The third story is from "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered." In this one, Xander and Amy cast a love spell that is supposed to bring Cordelia back to Xander. Instead, it makes everyone but Cordelia crazy for Xander and wackiness ensues.
BtVS: Visitors - Laura Anne Gilman and Josepha Sherman
A strange creature called the korred stalks Buffy, after following a young student teacher to Sunnydale. Ethan Raine teams up with the Slayerettes to help out.

BtVS: The Angel Chronicles 3 - Nancy Holder
The third in the chronicles of Angel, this novelization includes the stories from the episode of "Surprise," "Innocence" and "Passion." These are all from the second season and involve the loss of Angel's soul and transformation into Angelus.

BtVS: Unnatural Selection - Mel Odom
While babysitting, Willow becomes a witness to a fairie plot to preserve the tiny Russian race. Everyone rushes to save Willow and the babies. A good story, and I was glad that it centered more on the other members of the Scooby Gang than just Buffy.

BtVS: Power of Persuasion - Elizabeth Massie
I will update you as soon as I've read it.